Saturday, February 21, 2009

Moving to Odessa, Texas it is official! David got a job offer & accepted with Weir Mesa Manufacturing in Odessa, TX. It is weird to be moving back to the place I grew up in & around people I grew up with but, such is life. I always thought that once I "broke away" and became my own person, with my own family & my own kids, that I would be away & out on my own. I guess I have been for 15 years but now the Lord wants us back in will be moving in a week. Yep! You read it right...ONE WEEK. David & I are going crazy trying to load up like mad people & get everything done, such as paint touch ups & repairs, talking to realtors, etc, etc.... Anyway...we LOVE Allen, TX and are going to miss it and our friends sooo much! If anyone happens to drive through Odessa....look us up! Oh...& by request from Mary McDonald....I changed my background....I guess some people are just getting "too old" to have so much going on with a page background..ha ha you Mary!


LA Law said...

Good luck getting everything done! Our thoughts and prayers are with you even if our muscles aren't :)

Doreen said...

Good luck with the move and congrats on the job. We've been praying for you. Hope your house sells fast.

Mansell Six said...

So how far is Odessa from Allen....and then how far is Odessa to Denver?? I'm so glad things are working out for you guys! We sure do miss your family!

Mansell Six said...

So how far is Odessa from Allen....and then how far is Odessa to Denver?? I'm so glad things are working out for you guys! We sure do miss your family!

Mary McDonald said...

Hey thanks for the "shout out"! LOL

We're so going to miss y'all...At least you're still in TX, so you can always visit if you get bored.

The background looks a lot better for my "old" eyes. ;-)

Brenda said...

Hey Laurel, I am so sad I didn't get to say goodbye. I missed the message about Braums and saw it the next day. : ( We are going to miss you a ton! Please keep your blog updated so we can see what is going on with your cute family.
I really can't believe you are gone. I am so sad.

If you are ever coming back to Allen for any reason, please let me know, so I can give you that hug that I didn't get a chance to give you.