Tuesday, November 11, 2008


OK...so please keep your ears out for any job openings. The company David worked for finally had to call it quits & everyone that worked there lost their jobs. They ended up selling the company off in chunks to different people/companies. So...David will be hitting the internet, head hunters, everything else...please keep us in your prayers.
Amazingly...I feel weirdly at peace. I know the Lord is in charge & that we will be taken care of. I just don't know how or when yet....but I do know that it is coming.


Jules said...

I am so sorry Laurel! We will definitely keep your family in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry girl! Things are so crazy these days. I don't know if you've noticed my comment on fb, but it says I'm wondering if, and when. Meaning we're waiting for the same to happen with Tony. We will keep u guyz in our prayers. U have an awesome attitude girl!!! Me . . . NOT SO MUCH.

Brenda said...

So sorry Laurel. We will keep you in our prayers for sure. The business world stinks sometimes!

Mansell Six said...

Man, I am so sorry. I have so many friends right now who's husbands are losing their jobs. My sister included. We will add your family to our prayers. It really stinks when it is right before the holidays too. Hopefully something better will come out of it!

got twins? said...

Oh Laurel! We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers. If there is anything you need please call on us!

crack'n up ourselves said...

Keep your chin up. You already have a good attitude about it. We will keep our eyes open for you.

Unknown said...

Ouch! That horrible economy. Things will turn soon.

Unknown said...

Ouch! That horrible economy. Things will turn soon.