Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Review when I saw it the first time at midnight/opening night, I was totally bummed out & very dissapointed. They didn't capture the exciting build up of the Love between Edward & Bella and I thought it was very fast paced and choppy. Too rushed. If only they could have made the movie a little longer & then put in some more of the build up.
I saw it again on Saturday & I did have to say that when I wasn't nit picking it to death, I did like it alot better. Although...I still think that Jasper looked like he had something stuck up his rear the whole time...sheesh..for someone who can control emotions...he sure needs to work on his own....But...I can say that it does stink that we have to wait a Way, WAY long time before we get to see the next movie. I will be looking forward to that...until then..I will just have to keep reading the books


Jules said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it more the second time.

So what do you think... should I read the book or see the movie first?

got twins? said...

You make me laugh. I liked it too. I cant wait to see it again. I thought it got off to a rocky start, but I'm a fan. Scott better get me those books for Christmas!!

King Family said...

Hey Julie...I don't know...I think I would see the movie 1st so you don't nit pick it to death like I did. The books are way, WAY better!

StephDC said...

i love your twilight shirs!! and wearing them as a family, thats awesome :D

StephDC said...

i love your twilight shirts!! and wearing them as a family, thats awesome :D