Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bread, Bread & More Bread..

So...I recently dusted off the old bread maker that David & I have had for years & have been making Bread almost every night. I wish the machine would make enough for us to eat for atleast a couple of days but my family tends to eat it all up on the same day...so I just end up having to make more the next day. I also am going to try a sourdough using a bread starter. We will see how that works.
Other than this...I have been crafting alot, working on home made Christmas gifts, making cards, Reading the Twilight series for the 5th time & listening to them on my mp3 player. Anxiously awaiting Saturday when I can get the newest book "Breaking Dawn". We have been hitting the pool every other day so as I won't get too burnt & so on the days we go, I don't tend to spend as much money :)
Nursery (our church calling) is going well. I just love the little kiddos, they are so cute at that age.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Calling!

So....David & I just got called to be the Nursery Leaders at church. Enough said!

Friday, July 11, 2008

This is the Place

Linde Cousins, King Cousins, Jamisons

at Temple Square in SLC, Utah

The girls got to see where mommy & daddy got married (the Manti Temple).

High School Musical

While at our family reunion, my kids got to see where they filmed High School Musical. They thought it was really cool that they got to sit in the cafeteria & the same seats as the kids in the show. Danielle was so thrilled. Beyond Excited!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My older brother Craig is in Afghanistan for a year & my younger brother is about to go there also. This will be the 2nd time out for both of them. I pray every day & night that they are safe. Thankyou to all the troops who fight for our freedom! Love you guys!