Of course Danielle waited until we didn't have insurance before she decided to go & break her arm! On Monday, the girls (all 4 of them) and their friends decided it would be "cool" if they went on the outside of the net on the trampoline & walk all the way around. Well....Danielle was accidentally knocked off hurt her arm. David & I had no clue what to due, with no insurance & all....so we waited & watched her. She was not putting any weight on it so by Saturday...I was totally freaked out & planning on taking her to the ER. We said a prayer & felt that we needed to wait until Monday before we took her in...so...I tried to calm myself down. We went to church the next morning & I immediately took Danielle to see my physical therapist/friend sitting in the back row of the chapel. I said "I know you don't have x-ray vision, but could you look at her arm anyway & tell me what you think?" He looked at it for a minute or so & said "ya know...my brother in law is here for Sacrament meeting before he flys back to Idaho and he is an Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon and could look at this. He is who you really need." So...we waited in the foyer for him to arrive and had him look at her arm. He said "you could have taken her in for x-rays & they wouldn't have seen anything & sent you home but...she has got a hairline fracture of the growth plate in her wrist. If you had insurance, I would tell you to cast it but since you don't right now & if she is really careful...you can get away with splinting it for 3 weeks, assuming she doesn't injure it worse." Needless to say....We were thrilled that we didn't waste our money on xrays that would not have shown us anything! And that the Lord answered our prayers with this wonderful man who just "happened to be at the right place at the right time" when we needed him to be! Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!
poor baby! so glad she's okay!
What a cool story!! It is always amazing how the Lord is alway watching out for us....Hang in their!!
You stop comment approval because I can never tell if I've already left one. :)
So glad you had the right person at the right time!
Faith and prayer really work!
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